Holiday Eggnog

(Reduced fat)

12 eggs
1 fifth (25 oz.) of whiskey, brandy or dark rum, or a mixture
1 1/2 c sugar
2 pints medium cream
2 pints whole milk

Separate the eggs.

Put the yolks into a blender and add the sugar while blending on low. Blend until light in color. Slowly add 2 cups liquor. Let sit for 1 hour. Pour into a larger container and add, while stirring, the cream, milk and remaining liquor. Let sit for 3 hours or more. Whip the egg whites until firm but not dry. Fold into the liquid, spooning the liquid over the egg whites.

Best if made a day ahead, but try not to let the egg whites dry out: occasionally "baste" the batch by ladling the liquid over the floating egg whites. Separating the whites is optional, but no eggwhites is not as elegant.

Serve in a teacup with nutmeg sprinkled on top.